Architect or LandmarkSimplifying 3D polygons


Workspace: Path

Simplify 3D Polygons

Design Suite, Architect: AEC > Terrain

Landmark: Landmark > Create Site Model

If a site model is to be created from 3D polygons, you can reduce processing time by first removing redundant polygon vertices within a specified tolerance. For example, this removes extra vertices in straight or nearly-straight segments of imported 3D polygons used as source data. This feature does not significantly change the appearance of the site model, but it can dramatically decrease the time it takes to process the model.

Alternatively, to simplify polygons and polylines before using them to create a site model, use the Simplify Polys command described in Simplifying polygons and polylines.

To remove redundant 3D polygon vertices:

Select the 3D polygon(s). (The original polygons remain unchanged.)

Select the command.

The Simplify Selected 3D Polygons dialog box opens.

Enter a Simplification Tolerance value, and select a layer from the Put Simplified Result in Layer list.

Redundant vertices are removed from the 3D polygon(s) and the results are sent to the layer specified.

Validating 3D source data

Simplifying polygons and polylines

Adding source data with 2D polygons or polylines


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